My head hurts…

I know pretty much everything there is to know about my story. Of course, duh – it’s my story. I’m the creator, I’m the writer, I’m the inventor of this world……but it’s not quite so simple.

It’s a much bigger issue when you’re creating a world based around, or inspired by things that already exist in this world today, or in literature and mythology. Generally speaking – my story is *inspired by* not *based on*. Which is a big, big difference, so I can pretty much go where I want to take it and be done with it. Because inspiration in nifty like that – you take one idea that sparks another idea and just run with it, rather than trying to retell something that’s been told a hundred times. But, that being said – it is important to me to keep some things true  – or, well…as true as they can truthfully be.

which in the celtic legends…….is. really. fucking. hard.


really hard. 

there’s about a thousand different versions of -every- tale out there. And even more *interpretations* for each one of those versions. Theres endless debates of who’s really who – if so n so is the same person as other so n so, or if they just HAPPEN to have the same name and lived around the same time (which sounds stupid, sure, but then tell me how many “Tom"s you think there are out there? Yea. Point made. They’re probably not all talking about the same person)  But for whatever reason X individual is a fact nazi and assumes everything ever mentioned about so n so HAS to be the same person (why? how does this make any logical sense?)  then Y individual is a history nazi who thinks – If this is what is says, then this is what it HAS to be! even though said literature wasnt written til centuries upon centuries after so n so supposedly lived… how do we have any idea if this "history” is accurate? What if they just made shit up as they went along? Or what happens if something is so blatantly off it doesn’t make any slack bit o sense? 


There’s no reasoning with any -one- of these types of people. None of them. 


Here’s my summary:  I have read ungodly amounts of information about everything of everything there is to do with Celtic Ireland. I have read the sssaaaaammmmmeeeeeee stories ungodly amounts of times …..with them being different every single one of those times. And let me say one thing to you – – no one agrees with each other. No one. Way more than half of those stories don’t make a shit bit of sense. So i have taken everything that I’ve read – and followed my gut, of what *I* feel, in my own opinion, my *heart* and *instincts* and *soul*….and common sense …. tells me makes sense, and what feels right. What feels true.  Human kind has been taught to rely too much on technology and science, and reason, and analytic judgement and have totally forgotten we do, indeed, have instincts, and intuition. And we have them for a reason, and really – more often than not – if we just shut up and listen to them, they;re usually almost always right.

So that is what I did.

And that is what I’m using to base my stories around.

And I’m standing by that. End. Of. Story.

So everyone else who likes to have their own opinion of shit – congratulations! You have every right.

And so do I. 🙂

So go suck a nut somewhere, I don’t care.


I am not a Feminist.

Today’s rant stems from an Article I read about a group trying to push for women’s right to go topless in certain particular situations (IE at the beach, working out, hot summer days etc) just as men have the right to do.

OK. I’m not going to get into exactly why I think this is absolutely retarded, and is nothing more than a bunch of emo dick-haters deciding to get angry about something simply for the fact of having something to be angry about….

Today’s rant is solely on the generalized fact of feminism as a whole.

and how I absolutely, by any means, at all a Feminist.

How could you possibly say that?

Well, because look at them….They’re fighting for “women’s rights”, all the while giving women an absolutely shitty name.

Women are cunts, women are never satisfied, all women are secretly lesbians, women are man-bashers, women are man-haters, the list continues on and on and on……and I have heard every single one of these, and more, in my own personal experience.

Truthfully, most of them – on the regular – by my own husband (certainly not limited to him though) 

How do I never ever get angry ? 

Because He’s kinda got a point. 

Feminists are cunts. Righteous Cunts, and frankly, I care not to be associated with them because I think I’m a pretty damn awesome woman, who is only a cunt when provoked to be one, am very easily satisfied, is not a lesbian at all (even in secret) and am sick and damn tired of being accused of one simply because I have a vagina and have friends who also have vaginas, and also sick and damn tired of lesbians claiming they can “turn me” Naw, bitch, ya can’t because I like dick, and balls, and testosterone, and body hair, and you don’t have all of that ~naturally~ anyhow. Just, no. And, I also to happen to NOT hate men. At all. In the Slightest. I happen to love men, and do not agree with the hateful anti-male propaganda that feminists like to wave around everywhere. You want to bitch about sexism?? Now you’re contributing to it, ya cunt ass hypcrocrites!!

Which bring’s me around to my next point, of which I have covered previously in such rantings :

I don’t like hypocrites. 

I don’t like extremists.

Feminists are *both*.

And that brings me around to my last real point I have to make on this. Feminism is defined as :  "collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.“

So, really – I guess, to me, feminism is sheerly irrelevant in my entire life, because I have absolute no use or need to ‘define, stablish or defend” any part of my rights because I have never. -EVER- in my entire exsistence up to this point have EVER been deprived of such rights.


I don’t know where all you people live, maybe you just need to move somewhere else. Or maybe you just need to find a job that isn’t run by sexists. Or stop putting yourselves in situations where you have to associate with such people. I don’t know – I really have no understanding of this concept, because I have never lived in a world with this such prejudice.

I have been a victim of a lot in life dealing with religion, culture, class, race. .  . never gender. Ever.

I am also bred from a culture that does not understand such concepts.At all. 

Celts had queens, women warriors, goddesses, chiefs, warlords, messengers, poets, landholders, etc. etc. etc. 

Women ruled and went off to war and were as reckless as men.

Men stayed home and tended to domestic life, and were as homely as women were. 

There were no such things as “gender roles” in their life style. Likewise, there were no set, rigid defined laws of class. Anyone – absolutely ANYONE could rise from any stations. Slaves could be freed of their bonds and become common civilians. Said civilians could rise to become masters as their accomplishments were recognized, masters could rise to become noblemen, and one could rise to become king, even, because to the Celts, they could *elect* their king. Yes, an heir was named – but if someone objected, they could nominate someone else, and then those who opposed could also rise to challenge such nominees and then the people of a tuathe could *choose* their king from such challengers /nominees. Also, they has regular counsels. 

And to be fair, the same rules applied to the upper class. ANYONE could fall from their station, and have to start all over again. But they were not utterly damned for it without any chance of redemption. They simply had to start fresh, again, and *earn* their place. 

And this was all done in an “uncivilized” time by a bunch of “barbarians”….right.

There is an awful lot of honour, valor, dignity, respect – etc etc etc that comes with the making of a true Celt. This is the culture I am sprung from, this is my blood, these are the type of people I have come to know and associate with. This type of culture and environment breeds strength, confidence, respect and wisdom. 

And when you have that combination, it’s undeniable. It commands respect…not *demands* it. So, perhaps that is why I just don’t understand. Because I am a woman who will always have respect. Just because, I am that type of woman.

Maybe you need to look at yourself, honestly and harshly, and figure out what it is about *you* that makes *you* incapable of getting what you want, instead of pointing the finger to others.

So you have fun, little girls, with your picket lines and protest posters and all your incessant bitching and whining and griping….with practically no results. Because perhaps the problem isn’t the world around you, perhaps it is *the world you have created for yourself.*