A disappointing read

Gods & Fighting Men – Lady Gregory

though I have read most of the tales dozens of times over, I had always wanted to read this collection. I was excited to start, but after weeks of scattered reading I finally had to give it up. This is such a disorganized rendering of these tales I just couldn’t follow it – and that’s saying a lot for someone who *already knows these tales*. I don’t know if it was the fact that I was reading it via ereader – as i’ve found it is much, much harder for me to follow, and retain via an ereader than an actual book, or if it was a combination of that and the language. I just found this so scattered and incohesive, with over exaggerated language, usage and run on sentences that cover half a dozen topics / people/ places all in one thought process that span entire paragraphs and excerpts. This is just plain bad writing. There are hundreds upon hundreds of stories or anthologies written in this same era, and earlier, that retain their original language paired with romanticized lyricism that are beautiful and amazing works of visionary word. I feel like this is what she was trying to capture, but did not fully understand it – and therefor left the collection empty, hard to navigate, and just plainly confusing and hard to read. Perhaps one day I will pick up a hard copy of this book, and try again with a physical copy in hand. Perhaps that will make all the difference in the world…but until then, absolutely no. I cannot finish this. It is not worth the time nor the headache, especially when there are so many other wonderful presentation of these tales.

Read this review in Goodreads

Rape of Thrones….not so much.

Rape of Thrones….not so much.

In a funk

I’m having issues getting past a writing funk. Everything was going good, and going strong – and it felt really good, and then it all just hit a brick wall. 

I’m not quite sure what to do to get the muses going again. 

Should I just not worry about taking an extended break from it ?

Should I do more research to try to jump it back into action ?

Should I read some to get my head away from it, but still stay in a fantasy-mindset. ?

Late to the bandwagon…


I’ve finally started reading Game of Thrones.  Yes yes,  I know, I hear you. I’ve been a bit busy, ok?

But anyhoo – Yes, I’ve finally started legitimately reading it….and….

I’m not really liking it so far :/  

I haven’t gotten far enough in to really have any say-so over the story or plot line itself…..but the writing??

not my favorite writing. 

I get irritated at the overly abundant “he said”

“she said”  "said so-n-so insert adjective" “So-n-so said”  after. 



god damn.


DUDE. if you have to repeatedly tell me 20 times who said what when you only have SO many people talking…….somethings wrong.  -OR- when you have to REPEATEDLY tell me who said what when to whom because you have THAT many people talking at once – maybe you just shouldn’t have so many people talking at one time??  Or maybe you should set up your scenes better so we can tell who would be saying what when without having to blatantly spell it out like a first-grade picture book so many god damn times. 

This is incredibly frustrating, and it’s really disappointing because I have enjoyed the show so much – and I really *want* to like it. 

Plus, everyone, e v e r y o n e  told me ‘oh, if you like crown of stars, you should read a song of ice and fire – you’ll love it!’  really got me way too psyched up for this, because holy shit – *I LOVE CROWN OF STARS* 

so I was all ready to be sucked into another plethora-long series of epic fantasy awesomeness.

On a side note though, it makes me feel a lot better about my own writing, because I don’t feel so different, or so inexperienced or like what I’m writing is actually so horrible ;p

I’m going to keep on going and see if the writing style eases up enough for me to actually get into it. I would hate not being able to get into a good story just because of some writing quirks 

Why is this a ‘pagan community’ mess?

I’ve read a whole lot the past couple days all about the turmoil that is hitting the pagan community.

I don’t know, maybe I am just way too disconnected from the ‘pagan community’ as a whole. – Something I do not like to refer to anyway, as I don’t believe there is one so called, all encompassing pagan community, because there are just way too man pagans to umbrella into one fucking community – but whatever. 

Especially when ‘pagan community’ really means wiccan community – or vague pagan beliefs that are wicca-related. 

BUT. that is not my rant for the day. Today’s rant is about the tragedy of Kenny Klein. 

I’ll be honest – I had to google who the hell he even was. Which is pretty sad, because for such a pronounced member of the community – so everyone is saying – I should have at least heard of him before now. I hadn’t. Not even through HuffPost, which I read……way too much. Still, have -never- heard of him.

My question is. WHY. Why is this a tragedy to the pagan community? Why does this have to involve the pagan community at all?  A sick man was arrested, a sick man was arrested who also happened to be a photographer- which his hobby / indy career as a photographer was far more relevant to the arrest than his pagan association. So why, at the most, was it not a tragedy to the photography community if anything ?? Or why not to the Huff? OR Llewellyn?? Why does it have to be a pagan issue? anything could have made sense, but that’s not what everyone is going on and on about. Nope. It’s alllllll about how he’s a pagan. And then the explosive back-lash of “how to be safe in the community”. Article after article detailing predators in pagan circles or covens, and how to protect yourself.


dear gods above why.

what the fuck.

Why does it have to be specifically categorized out as a special threat to the pagan community? Why is it an ‘extra’ precaution being taken to pagans?  Everyone blasting that boundaries are important and that abuse is not ok no matter where the setting – if that is true, then why do we need to come outright and say that blatantly? If abuse is not ok, then we shouldn’t have to tell people that it’s not ok. 

Why can it not simply be “there are fucked up people out there – be careful no matter where you are”  

There could be a predator at your child’s school. There could be one living down the street form you. There could be one at the grocery store, at the mall, on the fucking bus. ANYWHERE. Why do we have to target ourselves as being singled out?  This is NOT an issue of the pagan community, this is an issue no matter what your creed, religion, practices, background, what have you. 

There have been dozens of serial killers, serial rapists, pedophiles and then some of all sorts of creeds – Especially christianity (just by statistical basis that christianity is still a majority) so every time one of these things happens is there an outcry in the christian society about the travesty that has affected their community??? No. Why? because people don’t view it as a “christian” issue that one person is demented. It’s a simple cut-and-dry issue of X man is fucking demented, end of story. So why is it different for us? why does this have to be turned into a pagan issue? 

It is not.  

There was a person, who had a hidden life, who turned out to have some serious mental issues. Who, on a side note, also happened to be pagan…..That is where it stops. 

You are only making us look worse by turning it into an issue that it does not have to be. 

If someone robs a store, are we going to turn to the fact that “gang violence” has become a community issue?  No. You are purposely and unnecessarily associating yourself with something horrid. You keep on making a huge deal out of it, or making a point to raise awareness, then people WILL start to believe that this is something that is prevalent in our society, or stems from our beliefs, or that somewhere in some circle this is condoned. 

Stop it.