I’ve written myself into a corner…..

…and it feels like I’m beating my brains out to get out of it. 

While going through my revisions, and working on re-writes and edits….I made a horrible realization.

I’ve totally jacked up all my timelines. The are generally related to each other in a sense of chronological order. But the reality is – they are not cohesive, or consistent. wtf. How did I do this?

How did I not notice this until just now?  The bigger problem is that this particular set-up needs to happen in this way. It sets up so much more to come, in a drastic – even if subtle – way. If I change this particular scene, or act to fit what has already been written, it fucks up everything else to come. It simply will not work. Or, in order to get it to work, seriously alters the plot line as it currently stands. Which I’m not exactly apt to changing at this point. Yes, sometimes it is necessary to take a turn you did not initially plan for, but this isn’t one of those times without changing the impact of the story as a whole, and basically puts me in a stalemate with myself or my story telling. Which means there is only one option :  go back and fix all the previous written time-line.

…all that work I just finished.


One step forward….ten steps back ? uhg. 


I just have to keep telling myself that.

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