The Humonculous : Notes of the Inner-Self

The Blog contains everything from reviews and opinions to everyday observations and musings.

This is where I talk work & writing, my stories, latest happenings as well as anything, and everything, that peaks my interest.
I talk paganism, Druidry, Celtic spirituality, religion and folklore. Interesting historical tidbits, fringe-science madness, conspiracy theories and Nerd-science,
Gamer fun, Fan-girl awesomeness, Fantasy books, movies, music, art and writing and much more beyond. . .
I am a huge fan of foul language, and I am not responsible for your hurt feelings
  • The Spiritual Aesthetic of Glyn Smyth

    Haunting, beautiful, uplifting. His art is truly a spiritual experience for those of us in the Occult fields or faiths, and a candid look into our spirituality for those who are not. Take a Tour of this Artist’s fascinating and inspiring works, his professional life through freelance, music and finding his calling with this great … Continue reading The Spiritual … Read post ᐒ
  • Trapt

    Can you hear me? There isn’t much time now, not these days. They’re watching. I must be quick. It’ll never be enough time… They have me now. Choked. Just tight enough not to run. Just loose enough to breathe. But not true, good, deep breaths. No, not free breaths. Just enough to survive. Because survive … Continue reading Trapt → Read post ᐒ
  • I got lost…

    … but I am trying to find my way back. I found somewhere. A place that was free. That was wondrous. That was peaceful and invigorating. A place where things come alive. Such a place, it was. What a place it was. I am trying to find my way back. The Spirit has been damaged … Continue reading I got … Read post ᐒ
  • Light the Fires, Drink the Dews

    It is May Day, Bealtaine. Where has the year gone? I have been too busy to observe, but I have felt more connected than most years. I have learned how very much I rely on these callings from my bloodline. My history, my faith, and they have given me strength and peace this year. I … Continue reading Light the … Read post ᐒ
  • An insult of Wicca

    When did Witchcraft become a contest? They ask. But inside, my guts churn, and my blood boils, as I read the insulting lines that get pissed off at others unjustly judging poor, victimized Wiccans…the complaints of the “constant belittling” of Wiccans…whilst they so hautily, and casually belittle others. Others’ complaints of Wicca is apparently horrendous … Continue reading An insult … Read post ᐒ
  • Modern Paganism: Consciously Forgetting the Past?

    Recently, I was involved in a discussion in a pagan group about the ambiguous nature of how modern pagans identify themselves, and their, seemingly, complete disinterest in their historic roots or traditions. Specifically, modern “Druids” and those who claim Celtic Paganism, but practice a naturalistic or animistic path and make no mind or matter of … Continue reading Modern Paganism: … Read post ᐒ
  • Come follow along with me

    Some of my interests tickle your fancy? Don’t forget I’m on Pinterest as well – I’ve got plenty of Pins to share and enjoy, and I’m a bit of a board-hogger as well: I love watching and following others’ collections, so come join me for the fun – browse all my boards, and show me … Continue reading Come follow … Read post ᐒ
  • A long journey

    Dearest Brother, I write in your name, in hope that my words may find you. Though you cannot come to me, I know you send your blessings. I can hear them whisper to me, and I know you are close, in mind and soul, if not in body. I have been seeking, and I have … Continue reading A long … Read post ᐒ
  • I am not a feminist.

    I am not a feminist because I do not take sides. I am not going to endorse one whole group vs. any other group. I am not going to pitch myself against any whole. I believe in equality not special treatment, meaning I do not need to join a movement for the goodness of only … Continue reading I am … Read post ᐒ
  • I didn’t realize how much it would bother me…

    My son came home talking about god, and the pit of my stomach turned with bitter indignation. Wow. I didn’t realize I was so angry. But I was so angry. It came as a slap in the face – how horrible, how prejudice, how hypocritical I was being. I tried to remember how I felt … Continue reading I didn’t … Read post ᐒ

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