Tag Archives: ancient aliens

Procrastination station

So. I get distracted easily, so I have been trying to make a conscious effort lately to stay away from these websites. Save for random lil bursts of spamming articles and memes on facebook – typically through my phone as of late, as I hate that stupid app that never cooperates no matter how many times it updates, so it helps to keep my FB brain oozage to a minimum.  SO. because of that, I have not been able to rant about my current goings-on. 

1-Work progresses awesomely, if not tediously. But such is the nature of the beast. 

2-dude. Oak Island. is my new history channel obsession. Too bad last night was the last episode of the season, because dammit. 

3-I think i’m going to micro-bake these potatoes because I just realized how badly i want to eat them since they’re sitting right in front of my face now.

4-Star child ancient aliens. (IE the one that aired just his past friday). 

I have a deep and complicated love-hate relationship with Ancient Aliens. I fucking love this show. I fucking love it. But I hate just about everything they have to say, because it’s such backwards, hog-washed bullshit to me. And duh, yes, I get it – it’s an absolute biased show, so of course you’re going to get only one side of the story. But sometimes I just want to throw shit at the tv screen and de-pouf Giorgios hair, and crush David Childress’s trachea to the point where he can no longer pronounce “i” and “o” as the same glottal / uvular / nasal phonetic whatthefuckever invention of his. 

If the concept of ALIENS is such a dumbfoundedly simple and rational explanation to these people, then why the fuck is the concept of gods or deferentiated genetics so laughable ? I don’t understand. To me, it’s all a matter of semantics. Extraterrestrial litterally means not of this earth. wtf is a god/deity/angel etc. etc. etc.?  An ‘otherworldly being’ which also, literally, means = not of this earth. Potayto – Potahto. Your talking about the same god damn thing. So why must you be so smug and condescending about Gods ? 


OK. here’s my thing. I do not believe humans are made up of one species. I do not. I never, ever have. Logic just begs to differ with the idea that as humans, we are all the exact same species. I think the concept of race and genetics goes a lot deeper than just making up skin colour, eye colour, hair type and bone structure. There’s significance to the fact that different races have different genetic codes, different genetic codes have different dna strands. And the last time I checked, according to science and genetics, different genes and dna strands = different species. But for some reason that same logic doesn’t apply to humans? I never bought it. Now, I’m buying the fact we’re all in the same genus. That’s more difficult to dispute, but I don’t buy we’re all the same species. If this were the case, I can’t logically wrap my brain around why certain races are prone to certain ailments more so than others, or why certain diseases *only* affect a specific race, and not others, or why people of a certain race are more aptly built for speed, or sight, or intuitivity  etc etc etc the list goes on and on and on. Not to mention, they *know* different types of ‘humans’ did exist, and existed together, or at least at overlapping times. And more recently they discovered, that they didn’t just die-out like previously thought, but that there is evidence to show that they probably interbred with each other. Creating yet a knew species, cross bred between other existing ones. So, why, now, to we think we’re immune to such truths? I don’t. I don’t think so at all. This is one reason I never believed in the ‘genetic eve’ discussion, or the out of africa theory (that was largely pushed because of the genetic eve).  I just don’t. I think there are a lot of different origin points, from different species of hominid, that have built a woven fabric of humans today.

This is where we get back to the Star-child episode here : Because to me, all these discoveries or theories of “Star-Children” don’t immediately scream. omg, ALIENS!!!! to me. They stand out, to me, as proof of something that I have been suspecting for a long time – and the more and more they dig up, the more and more it just feels like “seeee, told ya..”  And I’m sorry, don’t they always say “The simpliest answer is usually the correct one”   They idea of natural, gradual evolution and cross-breed seems like a far more logical, and simpler, explanation than Aliens secretly abducting and inseminating our women, to produce prodigies on a incoherent mission to better humanity through their otherworldly gifts, and then covering the whole thing up in future-CIA-spy fashion to…what ? Watch and see what we do? This theory concludes one of two things : 1 – they legitimately want to help us or 2 – we’re just a science experiment.  If 1 were true, I feel like there’s a lot more they could do then send down half-breed rape babies to both help us, and build their point. and if 2 were true, well in all honestly that is the more likely scenario, but I just refuse to believe my purpose here in this universe is all for naught than some Alien statistics. Sorry, that is a really morbid, cryptic and pathetic way to look at your life, and I cannot believe that – on top of which just comes that gut instinct of ‘bullshit’ that makes me scoff real pompously. And, as previously discussed, I tend to go with my gut instinct on things. It has yet to lead me wrong



So. YUP. That’s what’s been up with me lately.

have fun!