Tag Archives: readers

Oct 30, 2015

New features have been added to the site.
It will soon be easier to navigate, follow and share direclty from the site,
content will now be streamlined between the site and social media accounts
making it easy to follow from your favorite platform and never miss a thing!

Still working on adding, and organizing content. It is a slow process,
but it is coming along well.

Gearing up for NanaWrimo!

Book one of The Stray Chronicles moves on to editing stage two.
Interested in beta reading? Connect with me on social media and tell me

Progressions – snippets from ‘The Stray Chronicles’

snippets from Strays

an excerpt from latest revisions – Chapter 17


The tension in the room was suffocating. Ambrogue and Kai stood defensively in the corner, on guard. Balahir shrunk away in the doorframe, but couldn’t stop watching. Archabiya had dried her tears in the corner. Everyone was at attention, but couldn’t move.

Gryph made for the door, but Merryck and Balahir stood in the way.

“Wait!” Merryck pleaded. Gryph didn’t want to look at him.

“Please,” Dahgmar bent to pick up the medallion, “This is a horrid misunderst –”

“Stop!” Gryph cut, his grip on everything beginning to slip, “I won’t be a part of this!” He turned back to Avior, “This is what the Order has become? You disgrace it; you disgrace everything we fought for. I won’t help you – and I won’t let you take her.” Angry tears welled in his eyes, and he stormed away.

Archabiya stood, horrified, but Avior stopped her in her tracks.

“Don’t. Let him go – give him time. We’ll straighten this all out in time, just, let him have some time…”



Rape of Thrones….not so much.

Rape of Thrones….not so much.