Tag Archives: tales

Your favorite fairy tales may actually come from our ancients

Being raised on fairy tales and fables, once I was olde enough to start exploring more tales and digging deeper into the past, there was always something that felt so familiar in those ancient mythologies. Story lines and ideas seemed to mirror some of my favorite childhood tales – or vice versa, should we say?
Turns out there may be a legitimate reason for those sentiments!
Check out the article from Electric Literature, which states how the fairy tales we’re all so familiar with could have been told for thousands of years before Hans Christian Andersen and the like.

Fairy Tales Might Be Thousands of Years Older Than You Think

The Winterman

I am but a gleaming end

An epilogue in ice and frost

to lay in slumber upon branch and bend

I am but a passer by

my time checked by waning day

Limited though I rule this sky

I am but the last farewell

the closing line to the wheele

the clocks turning, I hear my bell

I am but a moment’s thrill

Though my touch can bring such glee

The spring, it comes, to thaw my chill

And though the warmth draws a tear

I pay it no mind

My time will come, again, next year.